mercredi 12 juin 2024

Oh dead life

C'est tout naturellement et avec grand plaisir qu'à le suite du précédent article, je ré-écoute l'album "Night Group" de Dog Day.

Life is too short to ration out in portions
I spend my time as soon as I get, it′s gone

I'm in no rush, I'm in no rush,
Oh, I can feel a change;
I′m becoming alive again
I'm in command of my own fate
I can depend on destiny if it's safe

Become alive with me
Oh dead life, awake
Rise from your grave

Work your dead job,
Rent your home sweet homeless
It almost killed me
And I didn′t even notice it

Rise from your death
Try to notice it
Live on the edge
Or die in a bed

Dog Day, Oh dead life
Night Group (2007)

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