Devant séjourner à Lens, je me suis retrouvé dans un hôtel ayant souscrit un abonnement Netflix. Il me fallait absolument en profiter. Trois candidats dans ma watchlist : Okja (Bong Joon-ho), Better Call Saul (Saison 5), et Marriage Story (Noah Baumbach), que j'ai finalement retenu. En plus, ça allait très bien avec "Scènes de la vie conjugale", que j'avais récemment visionné.
Avant que les choses ne se compliquent, commençons par nous rappeler ce que Nicole aime (ou a aimé) chez son mari Charlie.
What I love about Charlie :
Charlie is undaunted. He never lets other people’s opinions, or any setbacks keep him from what he wants to do. Charlie eats like he’s trying to get it over with, and like there won’t be enough food for everyone. A sandwich is to be strangled while devoured. But he’s incredibly neat, and I rely on him to keep things in order. He’s energy-conscious. He doesn’t look in the mirror too often. He cries easily in movies. He’s very self-sufficient. He can darn a sock, and cook himself dinner, and iron a shirt. He rarely gets defeated, which I feel like I always do. Charlie takes all of my moods steadily. He doesn’t give in to them, or make me feel bad about them. He’s a great dresser. He never looks embarrassing, which is hard for a man. He’s very competitive. He loves being a dad. He loves all the things you’re supposed to hate, like the tantrums, the waking up at night. It’s almost annoying how much he likes it, but then it’s mostly nice.He disappears into his own world. He and Henry are alike in that way. He can tell people when they have food in their teeth, or on their face in a way that doesn’t make them feel bad. Charlie is self-made. His parents, I only met them once, but he told me there was a lot of alcohol, and some violence in his childhood. He moved to New York from Indiana with no safety net, and now he’s more New Yorker than any New Yorker. He’s brilliant at creating family out of whoever is around. With the theater company, he cast a spell that made everyone feel included. No one, not even an intern, was unimportant. He could remember all the inside jokes. He’s extremely organized and thorough. He’s very clear about what he wants, unlike me, who can’t always tell.
Noah Baumbach, Marriage Story (2019)
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